Insurance Solutions to Meet the Unique Needs of:
Designated heritage properties
Performing arts centres, theatres, and concert halls
Museums, visitor centres and libraries
Performing arts schools and academies
More than just an Insurance Policy
We understand that many heritage and cultural institutions offer engaging educational programs for adults, children, and teens, while others may also operate a commercial enterprise, such as a gift shop, restaurant, or cafe. Some are located in modern, iconic structures, others in treasured heritage buildings. Virtually all rely on the efforts and generous support of both volunteers and donors. Unique buildings and facilities have unique insurance needs. We understand, and this level of understanding means we support you with genuine experience and expertise.
You require specialized and tailored insurance coverage to help protect you, as well as your staff, volunteers, visitors, your reputation, and your property, which in many cases is iconic and irreplaceable. We understand what you need. And, we have also developed a range of tools, resources, and value-added services to help you manage the risks that are unique to you.
Providing you with peace of mind
Today we provide tailored, and cost-effective insurance solutions to our arts, culture and heritage customers including heritage building owners, museums, galleries, libraries, theatres, and concert halls, performing arts academies and schools, and more.
Using our specialist knowledge and a deep understanding of the risks you face, we have developed insurance solutions as well as other tools, resources and value-added services that safeguard your facilities, assets, staff, volunteers, and fundraising activities, as well as your goodwill and standing in the community.
Broad property coverage for buildings and contents, employee dishonesty and protection against loss of income including for grants and donations.

Third party bodily injury and property damage coverage, including the addition of volunteers as employees
Errors & Omissions
Covers lawsuits due to a negligent act, error, or omission arising from a service you provided.
Directors & Officers Liability
Protection for your Directors and Officers arising out of their responsibilities, including wrongful dismissal.
Provides financial protection for your organization, including legal liability, civil and criminal defense costs
Includes coverage for incidents of a data breach and cyber-attack.
Giving back is what we do
Being owned by a charitable trust means giving back is what we do. Our employees across Canada are proud to volunteer their time, lend their support and offer creative fundraising ideas—all in support of the numerous registered charities and non-profit organizations that play such a vital role in our diverse communities. Over the years, countless charities have benefited from the generosity of our employee-led and corporate giving. And we continue to develop materials, toolkits, and advice to help charities and non-profit organizations. For example, our fundraising hub offers information on how to raise funds, work with key stakeholders, and raise organizational awareness.
Helping you Identify and manage risk
To further support you, we have developed a range of tools, resources and educational seminars designed to help you manage the types of risks that are unique to your organization.
100% Customer Satisfaction
Ecclesiastical annual risk management customer satisfaction survey 2020
Are You Flood-Smart?
Climate change — with its potentially wild temperature swings and precipitation — can create serious risks of flooding during virtually any season, in virtually any part of Canada. There are,…
Maintaining Your Heritage Property
Protect the past. Safeguard the future. Heritage properties pay tribute to our nation’s history and our diverse cultures. These historic structures reflect the periods in which they were built —…
When it Comes to Electrical Safety, Knowledge is the Best Kind of Power
The electric charge which flows into your property through electric circuits carries enough power to cause serious personal injury — electric shock, burn, even death. In addition to personal injury,…
Value-added services
With over a century of experience and expertise behind us, we are continuously looking for innovative, value added services that we can provide to your organization’s leadership as included, cost-free, benefits. Services like:

Unlimited, cost-free confidential telephone access to experienced lawyers, with whom you can discuss sensitive legal issues.

Unlimited, cost-free confidential telephone access to experienced and qualified counsellors with whom you can discuss sensitive workplace issues.

Unlimited, cost-free telephone access to qualified HR professionals and lawyers who can provide information and guidance, as well as practical solutions.
Here for you when it matters most
Our in-house claims specialists always take a proactive approach when handling claims. We’ll do everything we can to resolve your claim quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on what you do best – supporting your community.
94% Customer Satisfaction
Ecclesiastical annual claims customer satisfaction survey 2020
"Having previously had to deal with a major claim for our museum where I dealt directly with the insurance company, this time around with Ecclesiastical, it was so much smoother. You helped me understand the complexities of the claims process and my questions were always answered quickly and professionally. The claim was settled much faster and we were very satisfied."