Navigating through a volatile risk landscape with Enterprise Risk Management
How do you manage your risks in a constantly changing world? It's clear that we are living in a volatile and uncertain world where change is inevitable.
In times of uncertainty, a traditional approach to risk management may no longer be adequate for organizations. The risks faced are likely to be more complex as you try to adapt to an environment which is rapidly changing. To achieve business resilience, risks to any organization should be considered at a strategic level when setting objectives and making operational decisions.
With constant change, how do organizations manage strategic risks?
Ecclesiastical Specialist Schoolâ„¢ module

Enterprise Risk Management:
Managing Risks and Maximizing Opportunities
ERM is an integrated approach to managing risk across an organization and its extended networks. Learn how it can help your organization through changing risk environments.
The solution is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Enterprise Risk Management is a tried and tested approach that provides organizations with a proven framework to navigate through the strategic risk landscape - successfully.
What is ERM?
It's a process that continually identifies, assesses, manages and monitors risks across the whole organization to ensure it can make informed decisions, identify opportunities and meet their organizational objectives.
Why work with Ecclesiastical?
At Ecclesiastical we provide resources and tailored guidance to support our customers in adopting an Enterprise Risk Management approach.
Where do you start?
Take a look at our documents and templates to see how organizations can adopt an ERM approach to managing strategic risk.

Getting Started
This guide can be used as a starting point; highlighting key themes and supporting steps to help you begin your Enterprise Risk Management journey.
Documents & Templates

ERM Toolkit
Our Enterprise Risk Management Toolkit outlines a tried and tested framework for managing risks following a 5-step approach.
The guidance will enable organizations to assess risks, recognize any gaps and identify the controls and actions required to further reduce your levels of risk.

ERM Working Group - Terms of Reference
Terms of reference captures the intent and scope of your strategic risk management program.
In our document, we provide an example Terms of Reference. This highlights the purpose, the benefits, and the objectives of the program along with the duties of the working team so they are clear as to what actions are expected.
Use this document to scope Terms of Reference for your organization's risk management program.
Business Resilience
Developing a strategic risk-based approach to doing business