TORONTO:  September 1, 2021:   Ecclesiastical Insurance’s 2021 Community Impact Grant application period is now closed.  

We thank everyone for their interest. We are pleased to share that we received a diverse assortment of applications from organizations serving people across Canada

“We will now start our rigorous process of reviewing each application and moving forward those that fit the criteria laid out in the application process.  We have a multi-step methodology that we follow to ensure fairness in the distribution of the grant,” said Lorna McIntosh, Vice President, Human Resources at Ecclesiastical.

Successful applicants will be notified in the fall with grants being awarded by the end of December.

About the Community Impact Grant

This national program provides funding for Canadian charities wanting to implement specific programs that make a positive and sustained impact on the community, by benefiting youth, vulnerable and under-represented people, or by supporting our communities’ unique cultural programs.

Past recipients of Community Impact Grant funding include programs that help at-risk and disenfranchised youth, homeless families, people struggling with financial or food insecurities, and those living with mental health or physical challenges.

You can learn more about the Community Impact Grant program at