Athletic programs and sports teams foster a strong community spirit within schools. Unfortunately, over the past decade there has been a significant rise in student injuries during school athletics, with many fatalities in North America linked to unanchored soccer nets.

In Ontario, Garrett’s Legacy Act, named in honour of Garrett Mills, was enacted on June 6, 2024, to mandate safety standards for movable soccer nets, aiming to prevent tipping accidents and ensure safer environments for young athletes.

In response to this legislation, Ecclesiastical’s Risk Control Specialists have updated the bulletin, Athletic Programs in Independent Schools: Minimizing the Risks, to include a comprehensive risk management plan for moveable soccer nets.

Key safety requirements from the Act provide guidelines to help understand the potential hazards and to ensure the safety of students, staff, volunteers, and third-party providers. These include:

  • Secure Placement: Nets must be placed on level ground and securely anchored according to specified regulations.
  • Compliance with Safety Standards: Nets must comply with additional safety standards to ensure stability and prevent tipping.
  • Educational and Training Requirements: Organizations facilitating the use of these nets must adhere to mandatory educational and training protocols.

More Risk Control resources can be found in our Risk Hub at and our Ecclesiastical Specialist School offers information, tips and practical advice on risk management and mitigation.