As the popularity of mobility scooters continues to grow and e-bikes and e-scooters become increasingly favoured for their cost-effectiveness and sustainability, especially in urban areas, it is crucial to address the safety concerns associated with their storage and charging.

Facilities such as care homes, sheltered housing facilities, emergency shelters, and similar accommodations should implement a clear policy regarding the storage and use of mobility scooters, e-bikes, and e-scooters. Key safety recommendations include:

  • Storage Locations: These vehicles should not obstruct escape routes and should be stored in designated areas with at least 60-minutes fire resistance.
  • Fire Safety: Doors from storage areas into the facility should have at least 60-minutes fire resistance and be part of a comprehensive fire protection strategy.
  • Avoiding Overuse: Facilities should limit the number of units charged and stored at one time.

Ecclesiastical’s Risk Control Specialists have developed a new bulletin which aims to highlight these potential hazards and provide actionable steps to mitigate risks, ensuring the safety of all users and residents in shared accommodations.

More Risk Control resources can be found in our Risk Hub at and our Ecclesiastical Specialist School offers information, tips and practical advice on risk management and mitigation.