Protecting Places of Worship: Fire Safety

Replacing a place of worship damaged or destroyed by fire is a very difficult task for the management team and congregation to face; on both a practical and emotional level. You must deal with the loss of the structure itself, but also with the loss of precious items like artwork, manuscripts, and irreplaceable items of intrinsic or historical value to the community. You may be faced with unwanted media attention and potentially, a loss of income when it is most needed. The faith community at large loses its “home”. Recovery to the community may take years and, in some cases, may never recover.

To safeguard your place of worship from the ravages of fire, there are a number of steps that can be taken by you and the members of your congregation. This bulletin touches on some of these. For more detailed assistance, we recommend contacting and meeting with your local fire officials to further develop your
fire prevention plans.

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